Malignant (I) (2021)
Love letter to horror and those of us who love it!
13 September 2021
Don't listen to any of the negativity, that's what happens when a movie shows up on HBO Max and people who don't appreciate horror movies try to watch it.

"Malignant" is Jame's Wan's love letter to old school horror and those of us who love it. A scary, fun movie that turns totally bat-s***t bonkers at the end, this movie is great from start to finish. Totally original and yet at the same time inspired by the grindhouse horror films of the 80's (and one in particular, but you won't get me to ever reveal which one!), Wan has delivered one of the most entertaining movies of the year. Best seen in theaters, but if you watch it on HBO Max, turn down the lights, mute the phone, pop some popcorn and prepare to be wowed.

If you're a fan of horror movie, "Malignant" is highly recommended without reservation.
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