Burn It All (2021)
Your brain will disintegrate
12 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Full of SJW, feminazi bullshit that doesn't add anything to the story, other than to make you dislike the main character even more. Any time someone says something it's, "OH, is it because I'm a GIRL?!" "you don't think a woman could do this by herself?!" it definitely HEAVILY follows the "all men bad" stereotype. Extremely unrealistic plot, which it doesn't have nearly an entertaining enough premise to justify. All around pointless I would say, not even entertaining at all. At least they got one part of the story correct, derailed, unstable, completely out of touch and self absorbed, as the movie refers to them, "libtard" women definitely act like that, even calling the men violent when she uses unnecessary lethal force lol. Her emotions are all men's fault, and I mean ALL men. Uses that and the fact that men did something illegal, but non-violent to justify a plethora of murders that aside for maybe one or two, she initiates and/or could've easily avoided. Of course they rape people, too. Save yourself the braincells, don't watch. I couldn't even sit through this abomination, but on your behalf, I skipped through it just to ensure that my comment was justified, in case by some odd chance, it'd magically turn around and have the main character change her obnoxious and volatile personality and turn into a well constructed, intriguing movie with a likable main character that you want to root for. It didn't. Hope this helps :)
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