Nighthawks (1981)
7 September 2021
Despite a Variety of Production Problems Concerning Character Emphasis and Overall Scope,

but even with its Gap in Character Development and Shuffled Screen Time of Stallone and Hauer, the Movie Managed to Wrap with an Engaging Terrorist Spree Unfamiliar to American Soil. It Worked.

Rutger Hauer's American Debut is a Powerhouse that Couldn't be Ignored and Stallone Eventually Capitulated, but Not Totally.

Sly's NYC Policeman has to Deal with a New Gig of Fighting a Terrorist, not just Street Thugs.

Reluctantly Bucking the System that Made Him Transfer.

It's one of the Performances that Rises Above His other Non-Rocky-Non-Rambo Movies.

He is quite Good here.

Another Movie where He Rose to the Occasion and then some, was the Underrated "Cop Land" Playing Against Type as a Soft Spoken Sheriff. (1991).

The Studio had No Faith in the Story, but Stallone and Hauer did and what Resulted was Ahead of Its Time.

Suspenseful Film with Outstanding Performance all around and some Bravura Action Scenes that Stand-Up to This Day.

The Blu-ray does Restore some Things, Two Music Songs that were Cut because of Copyright Issues.

The Disc Includes a Number of Interviews with those Involved in the Production.

Definitely Worth a Watch. Much Better than its Reputation.
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