All Lightning And Absolutely No Thunderclaps For This Samurai Slop!
26 August 2021
The opening sequence is good and first actor introductions show good acting. Yay! It grabs your interest and you think you are going to possibly see an okay movie...BUT...yep there had to be a But!

The script writer and the director decide that all the girls must scream, cry, wail and moan all the frigging time. The script itself is utterly crap with nobody having anything interesting or profound to say and, the directing of the actors is stuttered, staggered and looks like its being done on the fly...as in the director has not got a clue how to go about his job!

This may not have had an original story idea (I saw a similar tale of this ilk from Japan some years back) but it could have been so, so, SO much better. It was a good crew of actors who worked well together but were given diabolical tools to work with.

The other good bit for this film is, a brief scene, strangely enough in the middle of the end credits. Its in the form of a history update and that's all I'm going to say about it...lol :)
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