Dementer (2019)
Good reviews for what reason exactly?
25 August 2021
Aside from loving and supporting the fact that the film features many disabled individuals, I thought the rest of what I was able to see of the film was bad in ways that are difficult to describe. From my understaning it wad an independent film and I went in with that in mind and tried to be understanding of the low budget. But the flashbacks were really cheesy the way they were edited. The score was the thump of either a drum or a bass guitar followed by what sounded like loose change jingling (which actually could have sounded pretty cool if there had just been some reverb added to it to make what the sounds were more ambiguous). I had a BIG problem with the voice of the man doing the countdown in a cheesy aouthern accent. And the words he said were equally cheesy. I was prepared to be terrified based on what an article listing best new horror films had to say about it. Instead I was so put off by the quality of the first quarter of it that I coulsnt bear to sit through another minute of it despite having payed 6 bucks to rent it and I never rent anything for that much for fear of being disappointed-ironically, like i was with Dementer. I am still interested in seeing how it plays out though, so if it ever becomes available on Netflix or something I'll put it on for some background entertainment while I'm putting away my clean laundry or something but until then, I'll just have to wonder if the film ever pulled itself together in the end.
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