It was 1856 in the Northeast US.
4 August 2021
On the surface this might seem to be a story about two repressed lesbians, but it is so much more than that. It is hard for us today to relate to how it was in the mid 1800s. A man married a woman so she could give him children, she could do daily chores, like milk the cow and feed the pigs and chickens. They had none of the conveniences we take for granted, any entertainment had to come from within.

This is a story spanning about the first nine months of the year 1856. Of two young couples, each working nearby farms. One had a 4-yr-old child that became sick and died. The other couple were unable to have children and the man blamed it on his wife.

So although each wife was attractive, capable, and smart the husbands came to be less and less happy with them. The two young wives found happiness being with each other, sharing thoughts and emotions they could not with their husbands. A way to bring some light into their dreary days.

Yes, when it was all done one might say they were lesbians. Or maybe they were just forced into an attraction and hidden relationship that was their only choice in this bleak existence. No matter it is a good movie and I prefer to look at it as making the best of your situation.

On DVD from my public library, my wife chose to skip.
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