Review of Vanquish

Vanquish (2021)
I had so much fun...
24 July 2021
... reading the reviews! Thanks to my fellow reviewing Gods, this was a blast!!

Ok, so what happened was this: I am a huge Morgan Freeman fan and when this movie popped up at Netflix I decided to start watching without checking Imdb first. Big mistake, but hey... Morgan Freeman, you know. No need for checking Indb, right? Wrong. So I grabbed a bowl of popcorn and starting watching. I finished the whole bowl even before the opening credits where done. Like at six minutes. Either my bowl was small or the credits where.....waaaaayyyyy too long. And then....finally...the movie started. Three minutes later I was questioning if my time is valuable enough to keep on watching. At that point (9.37 minutes in) I cam here.

Let me do the same thing the rest of the people here did for me. Save me. I only saw the first 9.37 minutes of this movie. It was enough. Believe me. There was somebody writing that this movie should have been strangled at birth. Well, I can't judge the entire movie, just the opening credits and first scene. What I CAN tell you is it should have been strangled there. The movie. Please do yourself a GD favor. Don't even try!!
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