Studio 60 deserved better!
21 June 2021
I will forever be mad that NCB cancelled this show. Studio 60 is the perfect example of a show that would've thrived on a streaming service, sadly it was ahead of its time. Is it perfect, no. Is it Sorkin's best, no (but that is a tall ask), but it is a million times better than the majority of shows renewed for a second season and deserved better. The pilot episode and the Christmas episode are two of the finest hours of television ever made. It is my second favourite of Sorkin's shows and the short one season makes for excellent comfort viewing. The cast is phenomenal, so nice to see Matthew Perry in a more dramatic role, he's excellent. Bradley Whitford, Amanda Peet, Steven Webber particularly shine with Sorkin's dialogue. The main complaint I see against this show is that the sketches are not funny, and to that I say the Dateline Santa from the Christmas episode of Studio 60 was funnier than any sketch I've seen on SNL in recent years. It's a travesty this show wasn't given the chance it deserved, I believe with a second season it really would've found it's audience, but I will rewatch it forever because it's perfect to me.
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