As a dog lover, tthis movie was not made for people like me.
4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is simple, and doesn't need to be gone over again, as the synopsis pretty much covers everything that is going to transpire throughout this movie. But what was the point of it all, really? Two lesbians own a dog, one feels jealous of the dog because (as a dying animal), it's getting the brunt of the attention from her partner. (Who feels jealous over an animal? How low must your self-esteem be for you to allow that to happen?) She allows the dog to escape by purposefully leaving the gate unlatched, and when her partner goes out looking for the dog, the other one has a nervous breakdown.

This movie was just not made for people like me. I like a story with substance, with weight, with a palpable reason for wanting to be told. This movie was none of those things. You have two very unstable women being allowed to care for a sick animal, and what is the moral of the story, really? Is there is a moral to this story, or is it just one of those vanity projects these filmmakers like to crap out a few times a year to inflate their already enlarged egos? I can already imagine the rounds of applause and proclamations of "What a stylish film!", "So unique", "an exciting new voice in cinema" when this movie was first shown to their peers. It is all LIES.

The only interesting person in this entire film is the male co-worker at the bank. I liked him so much, and eagerly awaited his screen time, that I suffered through this freshman film project of a movie just to hear him speak.

Harvey, I think you are better off in doggie heaven than living with those two wingbats.
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