Yet Another Subpar Scooby
25 April 2021
This is really low quality stuff. The best moments were the shout-outs to the older series. Thank God we can still go back and watch those. Even many of the older movies are good. This wasn't. There just wasn't much magic in this one. And the ending is ridiculously stupid. Even the character designs for Arthur and Merlin and a dragon are all pretty terrible. And the animation is the same stale work unfortunately.

All the men are stupid and useless for the first half of the runtime. Fred doesn't think DNA has anything to do with solving mysteries or that the Brits drive on the opposite side of the road. At one point he literally shivers in fright while Daphne and Velma heroically stand up to the villain. Daphne is now a complete perfect Mary Sue. That is so boring. It may have been progressive ten years ago but, sadly, at this point in time if they wanted to subvert our expectations with gender roles they need to show Fred being competent and heroic again. And arguably one of the most heroic and good men in all of fiction, King Arthur, is portrayed as a bumbling, selfish, stupid jerk. Both Fred and Arthur do end up re turning to form for the most part but that inconsistency only highlights how dumb their earlier portrayals were.

Fingers crossed the next one is better. I did like how they showed Daphne and Fred as a couple. But bring back the darker colors, the spooky atmosphere, and the MYSTERY.
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