To fight oppresive communism you need more socialism ...
12 April 2021
A very good and, in some respects, brave film. But also smart. It's interesting how liberal reviewers, and not only here at imdb, missed the main character of this film, the socialist youth and workers, most of society, who go about their desire for socialism and not for liberalism (or conservatism for that matter). It's about them and not about the leading lady (only some kind of catalyst for the whole story) who works through her delusions and her possible tragedy. So, the film has strong ideological message, something that well bred liberal is trying to avoid for decades. That's why liberal critics can't easily see the difference between communism and socialism and that's not just intellectual laziness, something more sinister is present (as one of the character in this film says, 'even socialism is classified'). So yes, oppresive communist regimes and liberal views on socialism have their 'places of truth' which doesn't allow the third party. During Soviet Union or any communist regime (which called themselves socialist but never really allowed demands for socialist alternative) and nowadays, liberal regimes which also prevent any substantial talk let alone possibility of socialist alternative, couldn't or can't understand this film. Which would be perfect if made during 1970s or 1980s and show that real alternative to what has become known as 'actually existing socialism' was socialist alternative proposed and demaned by majority of society in those states and regimes. They asked for more pluralism, whether politically, culturally and economically which means that demand for these was not the liberal one but the socialist one. Modern ideologem (mostly liberal or right) tends to bend that historical fact. Which was the real demands of societies in Eastern Europe hijacked, eventually, by conservative and liberal elites in late 1980s and early 1990s ... No wonder things still doesn't look good in Eastern Europe after those historical shenanigans... So, no more ranting about it. The film describes effort of some small Soviet town workers for better and more just economical reasoning. It's about the whole Soviet society shown on the example of one little town. So, everybody is caught in this. Unfortunately and obviously, the regime is the worst part of it since it has to give well explained answers to the people for their economic actions. Of course, the regime fails and responds with violence. Everobody is affected by it but we mostly see how a leading female party functionaire from this small town deals with it. She's a good choice because her life is connected to both side of social and politica divide in this society and that affects all of her decisions. And they are not without risks and temptations ... I won't mention anything else but only that acting and directing is great.
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