Not a fairy tale
10 April 2021
And it doesn't matter which season you ascribe to it (the title suggest winter time). But that is not the issue people watching this have. They have issues with how the Germans in the movie are portrayed. But this is not about saying all are the same. Actually it is what this movie is about: to not discriminate, to not take the easy way and say certain people/races/nationalities are this or that.

Having said all that, this is quite the slow burner and has a lot of violence and sex in it. Things that you may have an issue watching others do. The main characters are hard to ... follow! In the sense that you very likely feel not much sympathy for them. But that is how it should be. Their moral down spiral is for most like a car wreck. You should do something, but instead you find yourself watching it unfold ... I'm not sure the individuals here would be or could be saved by anyone though. At least when it comes to what they believe and how their brain is wired ... this is looking into a black hole and being swallowed by it.

This is not everyones cup of tea ... so if you are not into this .. that's ok! Doesn't mean the movie or you are wrong. Just watch something else instead that is more to your liking.
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