Failed epic about a CIA vet with dementia
15 March 2021
Dying of the Light (2014) is about Evan Lake, a CIA veteran, on a personal mission to make sure a terrorist is dead. This terrorist tortured Evan back then when Evan was on a mission that went awry. Nonetheless, maybe because of the events of that awry mission, Evan starts showing signs of dementia.

The movie does not explore the dementia concept very well. Evan's major sign of dementia in the movie is him hearing a buzzing sound, making him unable to act. Of course, that mostly happens in key moments, which is "convenient."

The movie drags for way too long. In most of the movie, Evan and Milt are hunting Banir, the terrorist, which we already know is alive. When "stuff" hits the fan, we are bored enough we don't care.

At this point, it is all over the place. Everything goes to chaos and Evan is up to the final blow. No major plot-twists take place, even though it seems there was going to be one.

The ending moments are abrupt. It just happens without much explanation.

In the end, the movie tries to become an epic but fails. No feeling of a heroic act or similar. It just ends, at last.

Dying of the Light (2014)could have been much more, I think. Dementia adds nothing to the movie. The movie could have focused on providing an intricate plot about hunting a "ghost" terrorist.
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