Very, very bad
14 February 2021
I love serial killer movies. This was not that. At best, a weak plagiarized Rear Window(down to the injured protagonist.) At least Disturbia updated the "stuck at the window" premise. Reasons not to watch:
  • Terrible acting,
  • Ridiculous dialogue,
  • Awful camera work (with weird zooms, shaky at times, out of focus at times,)
  • Exposition narration in the form of dialogue (where a person would come onscreen to say a few sentences, then the movie would movie would go on to another scene, with no acknowledgment of who the person was talking to,)
  • Bad sets and costume design,
  • Terrible facial expressions,
  • Weak score/soundtrack,
  • Entirely unlikable, dumb characters,
  • Zero tension or mystery.
I could go on and on. Anything going on in this movie is extremely bad. I will never watch it again, and I recommend that you not either. If this is playing at a friend's house, go for a walk. Fresh air is better than this atrocity.
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