Better Love Story than Twilight Yet Probably Similar
28 December 2020
So, I watched this movie out of sequence on Netflix not realizing there was a movie before this one. Honestly I did not think this movie was half bad, I did find Hardin's characterization to be a little hard to take seriously but I believe the actress who played Tessa did a brilliant job and that the chemistry between her and Hardin's character was very good. In all honesty seeing the movie out of sequence somehow made it better I thought I wasn't watching it out of sequence and just thought there was just a lot of call backs being made in the other movie After so it explained a lot of things for me. I do find the film to be a little overtly sexual and romantic novel-ish at times but I suppose it appeals to the target audience. In total retrospect not a bad film if you like that twilight like romance bad boy good girl younger drama but there is some comedic charm as well so not all is lost, watch it on Netflix and if you read the book maybe that would have been enough. I see that with this movie you are going to either love it or hate it but watch it in entirely then make up your mind, or do what I did and watch it on a whim and then watch After after it.
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