Well made...there's no doubt about it. But you might want to think twice before watching it.
16 December 2020
The story begins in 2027. The human race is completely screwed, as fertility has completely disappeared and the last child was born over 18 years ago. Why this is the case, no one seems to know. There also was a worldwide flu pandemic in 2008 that apparently killed millions. As a result of all this, people react as they often do...with panic, confusion and self-destruction. The planet is now a mess...with widespread terrorism, reactionary governments and fear. Nuclear detonations, terror bombings and depression are the norm. As for the UK where the film is set, it's better off than most of the world...and so there's been a huge influx of illegal aliens AND the government has responded with draconian measures.

The main character in this story is Theo (Clive Owen), a bureaucrat whose wife, Julian (Julianne Moore) left him long ago following the death of their son in the pandemic. She has taken up with a domestic terrorist organization and he hasn't seen her for many years. Out of the blue, she approaches him asking for his help sneaking someone out of the country. Who this is and why...you can learn this when you see the film. Just understand...what happens are some things you just won't expect!

Before I talk about whether or not I liked the movie, it's VERY important to talk about how depressing the story is. Considering the recent COVID outbreak, the panic and chaos in the story seem even more terrifying. If you are depressed or scared about COVID, this is probably a film you best see another time or not at all. Again, I am NOT saying it's a bad film...it's just one that might be tough now for some viewers. With all the death, suicide and the like, this is NOT an upbeat film despite there being some hope as the film progresses.

The story is depressing and interesting at the same time. The standout in this film, however, is the cinematography and the long composite shots. And, even if the story is off-putting to many, you can't deny it took a lot of skill to make the movie. Worth seeing and a one-of-a-kind story from start to finish, it's hard to rate this one as the film clearly is not for everyone. If you want to be entertained or left happy, this sure ain't a film for you! I certainly DON'T want to see more films like it! But if you can take the overall tone of the movie and want something original, then it's clearly a film to watch.
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