Anna Karenina (II) (2013–2018)
Best film adaptation of Anna Karenina
9 December 2020
Other film adaptations of Tolstoy's novel have been disappointing for me so I almost didn't watch this one. I am so glad that one lazy evening I gave it a try. This is by far the closest to Tolstoy's vision, richness of content, and character development. The characters of Levin and Kitty are more fully developed here and offer a view of possible relationships between men and women that contrasts to relationships between Anna and Alexei or Anna and Vronsky or Dolly and Stevi. Moreover, the inner struggle tormenting Anna is more sharply depicted. Themes of love, betrayal and forgiveness are explored more deeply and in greater complexity than earlier adaptations. The cinematography is exquisite, the costumes and settings tastefully done but do not overwhelm the story, and the two-part film is totally engaging from start to finish, Bravos to all involved in this production.
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