Aliens (1986)
This is how it's done, you morons
7 September 2020
Welcome to 1986, where they had diverse AND well-written characters in what has to be one of the best Sci-Fi Action films of all time: ALIENS.

Even in 1979, Ellen Ripley was what those wannabes today want to recreate: a strong, yet believable female character with a real challenge and a highly competent movie around her. Now, imagine being tasked to do a sequel to ALIEN. You'd be right to directly spray your pants, go throw up, have a heart attack and then politely decline. But not James Cameron. He went on and made one of the most valuable and memorable sequels in film history, despite having a lot of nay-sayers in his own team who didn't believe he could pull it off. Oh, the balls this guy had.

Well, what can I tell you about this film that you don't already know? If you really haven't seen it, go watch it. Immediately. It basically is the American version of the suspenseful, British original, but it does get to expand on the world-building quite a lot, as well as on Ripley herself. Add Michael Biehn, Bill Paxton and a ton of Xenomorphs, paranoia, action, quite a bit of horror, Paul Reiser and Lance Henriksen and a badass called Vasquez, and you will have a cocktail that you won't forget, I promise. Then just realize that I didn't even mention Sigourney Weaver and holy cow, why are you still reading this?

Go watch this movie!
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