10th Anniversary
27 August 2020
Someone who fears nothing, Herman Melville said, is far more dangerous to be with than a coward. This is because a coward runs from trouble, but arrogance leads straight into it. Or take it from the Art of War, "If you try to be strong everywhere, you are strong nowhere." Balance is needed.

Christian is a fearless kid in a new school. A bully gets the drop on him at first, but Christian returns with vengeance and a knife. "No one dares touch me now," he says. Christian's recklessness and impulsive, violent behavior leads to increasingly dire situations. Shockwaves extend to Christian's trusting friend, his grieving father, a couple of doctors facing a separation, and even an African refugee camp harassed by a rampaging warlord. All are pulled into Christian's orbit or face similar demons, and struggle to balance themselves in a better world.

The success of this engaging, thoughtful and sensitive film is due to a compelling story, fascinating themes, interesting characters, strong acting and a brilliant, decisive and masterful director. Besides contrasting cowardice with recklessness, In a Better World deals with forgiveness, how it can be a weakness as much as a strength, and interdependence. I liked it better after watching it a second time. Academy Award winner for best foreign language film. Streaming on Amazon, YouTube, Vudu and more.
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