Fonda, and Star Power with Decent Though Aged Script Review 2020
25 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Often times, when starts get tossed together, the film is barely watchable except for the stars fans. This one is different though the plot is definitely 1940's. Back then, more often than not, it was the clothes that make the man, not the man who made the clothes, especially in Manhattan.

This story follows a formal tux and tails through several stories. One is a romance and Henry Fonda and 2 pretty good actresses make it a nice little triangle. It's a nice little love/romance and Cesar Romero competing with Fonda is a good touch too.

Then there is the Composer who needs the jacket to conduct his music for the first time before an audience. When the worn jacket comes apart, and the orchestra conducts without the jacket, it's touching seeing every man in the audience remove his jacket in response and in respect for his music.

What's nice on You Tube is the restoring of the Section with WC Fields which for strange reasons was removed in the original theater release. Fields encounter and getting conned while buying the same jacket by a fully black hair headed Phil Silvers is classic. This is one of Silvers first films. Then there is the great temperance party with Coconut milk and Margret Dumont.

The last story is of a robbery of a great sum on money and the burning jacket gets thrown out of a plane. The stolen money lands in a poor community where it is truly needed though the folks there are having trouble deciding what spending has priority. Eddie Rochester Anderson is the man most Jack Benny fans will recognize.

While the last section is a long ways from Manhattan, it kind of illustrates what is really a message of where one place can provide hope for another. Still this is an aged script but it does go together well, especially with WC Fields added back into it. Can't imagine why that part of this movie was ever dropped.

This is the 2020th review for me. Hopefully I will keep looking for films and tv worth reviewing. I try to be diverse as possible and while people do not always agree with me, I am happy to keep laboring at something I love to do, seek out great entertainment, and cringe at bad entertainment.
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