Scare Package (I) (2019)
The Cabin in the Woods-ish - B Movie Style
28 July 2020
I really appreciated the way this film worked hard to turn its B-movie budget into a strength. When you're making a horror comedy and you can't afford theatrical-release-worthy effects (or actors), what do you do? You embrace the cheese! This movie is very self-aware, making no attempt to be anything other than it is: a crazy clever hodge podge of at least a dozen classic and more traditional horror films...a movie about movies in which they watch several movies before ultimately becoming part of a "movie"! (You read that correctly; quite meta. You'll have to watch to get it lol.)

Bottom line; if you have an open mind and you're not an outright film snob, give it a watch. You just might be pleasantly surprised, as I was!
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