Review of Intuition

Intuition (2020)
Another cop film
3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This police film has many concurrent storylines: a hunt for a serial killer that has kidnapped 2 teenagers, a detective being investigated for possible cover up of a murder, a new officer being told to spy on said detective & new case of a murdered teenager.

It starts off well as the detective and his team is closing in on the serial killer's location & ,as the viewer, is thrusted into this. I was intrigued but this descends into a mess of a film. The characters are not allowed to develop and full of clichéd cop characters: the seemingly stoic cop, his drinking & loyal cop buddy, the angry sergeant, etc.

I figured out most of the twists of this film. It's a shame that the script could not have been written with better dialogues. Many films have tried and failed to make the next Training Day among which this is one.
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