Wild Seed (1965)
Terrific, Evocative, Lonesome
24 May 2020
I stumbled upon this film late at night on Youtube. I only watched the first few minutes before having to get to bed, but the next day I realized I had to see more of the actor. I didn't know who he was when I watched the film, but now I know it is Michael Parks. It's hard to ever lose track that you're witnessing the performance of a virtuoso. Yet he was so young! His unmatched timing, underplayed yet deep expression of conflicting emotions, and the striking architecture of his face totally captivated me throughout the film. He does lapse into some Brando-esque speak, especially at the end, but overall he's a grounded and exceptionally masterful actor. The film is solid except perhaps for some lapses in pacing of the plot, but otherwise is richly evocative of America in the 1960s. The music, acting, and cinematography are first rate.
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