Not entirely original, but still entertaining
17 May 2020
I've seen a couple reviews here that call this a 28 Days Later ripoff, but honestly it's more of a UK ripoff of Resident Evil. It opens with a major corporation creating an enhancement drug that has the unfortunate side effect of turning people into zombies. So, while it's definitely not winning any points for originality, it still makes for an entertaining zombie action romp.

It has a really good and competent cast that includes Jaime Murray, Danny Dyer, MyAnna Burying, Colin Salmon (who was also in Resident Evil), and even a small bit for Sean Pertwee, the effects are good, production values are all fine, the dark scenes aren't so dark that you can't see what's happening, and it's got a decent amount of gore without going overboard. If you're looking for the a post-apocalyptic zombie drama, this probably isn't for you, and I'd instead suggest films like 28 Days Later, Open Grave, The Girl With All The Gifts, Here Alone, and anything from the Romero oeuvre, but if you want more of an action style survival horror zombie flick without getting wrapped into a big franchise, give this one a shot.
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