Babylon Berlin (2017–2025)
After 1st season the plot becomes dumb
15 May 2020
No army of fake reviewers is going to change the fact that this serie's quality takes a serious dive after the first season. Since the first episode of the second season the script seems to have been written by a different person. The cohesion of the storylines gets broken, the main heros and antiheros seem to have developed different characters over night and there are several time fillers added (they use several scenes in a row to convey the same message over and over again, the scenes are dragged out and even nonsensical scenes are added, that are not needed in any way to tell the story).

Examples of nonsense:
  • unnecessarily long unnecessary dream sequences
  • one of the main characters working originally for the vice squad is now magically a murder investigator and then sent on a secret agent mission to Russia. Like going to work as a secretary for a big fashion house in the morning, but then you learn to fly and become superwoman and in the evening you're a vampire in the middle ages on planet Xorg...
  • the mob boss personally waiting randomly around in a car to hand over a note - because he wouldn't have anything better to do and wouldn't just send a letter or ask some of his countless underlings to do it for him
  • and other main characters seemingly randomly running over each other's way constantly in a metropolis, although they work and live in very different places
  • and the main characters waiting around the corner to surprise each other, although they couldn't possibly have had a GPS to know when and where exactly someone will be. Like you know - you also randomly go hang out near your friends house and hide in the hopes he'll come out of the house soon, so you can surprise him...

All of it just insults my intelligence - and I don't even think I have much of that. So in my eyes it became seriously dumbed down after it got funding for the second season.. What a pity - but can one really expect any better from Netflix?
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