Anguish (1987)
A Few Interesting Moments
9 April 2020
Anguish has a little gore, but it's not exactly a bloodbath, either. Anguish has a few creepy ideas, but it's not exactly the scariest movie you'll ever seen. Anguish has some scenes that approach suspense, but many fizzle out before they really get exciting.

Anguish has a lot of ideas and many of them are great, but it never commits to anything long enough for it to work as a whole film. The entire film takes place in a theater where they're showing The Mommy - a slasher/giallo film about a mama's boy who cuts out people's eyes to bring them back to his mother - and for the first 15/20 minutes we think this is the film we're watching. However, the real story is that there's a psychokiller in the theater who's become a superfan of The Mommy and he's about to stage a massacre in this auditorium.

It's an interesting concept, but the characters are too abstract for us to really feel for them, especially our main character whose only defining trait is that she's terrified of horror films and spends the entire movie wide eyed with her hands across her eyes and face.
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