Review of Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories (I) (2017)
Reverse dominoes
6 April 2020
A professional sceptic takes over three unsolved hauntings from his ailing idol, and finds himself drawn into a life and death struggle.

Is it an anthology with a framing story? Hard to say. The first story is a perfect fright, with excellent lighting design to deliver the chills. Second story has a really disturbing set up, although not much follow through. And the third takes us through the looking glass, to wrap up in a tumult of revelations about what has gone before.

The lead performance in each story is strong, and the role of the sceptic keeps us focused even as the narrative grows complexity out of the simple elements. The music and sound effects are good. The jump scares work. They ought to have been able to build a good female role, but for whatever reason that wasn't pursued.

But does it work overall? This is a reverse-domino narrative, where everything flows into place as you look back in wonder with a dawning realisation. It certainly works in the final scene, but I still can't pin down the opening montage - so I dock a point.

Good, stylish chiller, but not completely integrated.
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