Saint Frances (2019)
a drama you wont forget that easy
31 March 2020
If you like a drama film delving over the female physiology, womens psychy, womens sexuality (remember darwins selection of the fittest theory), womens rights, mating preferals, menstruation and abortion, the this film is your oyster, and mirrors the american culture and hibition in a grandieuse way

its a low budget drama, a socalled indie, with a flawless cast at all levels, a great score that will sooth the spirits, and a never stopping escapadial story about the 34 years old late bloomer, fast coming and mind blowing girl, who nannies anyone,at any age and any gender. its a well handcrafted movie technically, i couldnt find any flaws to it.

this film made my grumpy old wife laugh a lot, and my grumpiness had to shed away for the chars and spirits from the brilliant acting by the main cast. but i think the topnotch is that the film brings and delves over some dangerous, unheard of and not spoken about topis in the american society, so its a groundbreaker if you ask me. so if you wanna know what menstruation is ,then have a look, its a highly recommended take to chew on.
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