Stylish, funny and very entertaining
30 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Wolf of Wall Street is Scorsese's best film since Goodfellas. It's stylish, funny and very entertaining.

Goodfellas and The Wolf of Wall Street actually have a lot in common. For one, they share the same narrative arc: one film is about the rise and fall of Henry Hill, the other, Jordan Belfort. They also have a lot in common stylistically, such as tracking shots, freeze frames, narration and breaking of the fourth wall. Goodfellas is ultimately the better film, though - it has more depth and feels more grounded in reality.

Leonardo DiCaprio gives a brilliant performance, one of the best of his career. His portrayal of Belfort is larger-than-life, captivating, even terrifying at times. Consider, for example, the scene towards the end of the film in which Jordan punches Naomi and attempts to drive off with their daughter. It's one of the film's most powerful moments. The supporting cast is also strong, most notably Jonah Hill and Margot Robbie, who both have great chemistry with DiCaprio. Matthew McConaughey only has a brief part, but it's certainly a memorable one at that.

There are so many scenes in The Wolf of Wall Street that could be singled out for praise. Belfort taking 15-year-old Quaaludes and entering the "cerebral palsy" phase is hilarious. Then there's Belfort's first time selling penny stocks. Belfort's attempt to bribe an FBI agent. The list goes on.

The soundtrack is great. The use of "Mrs Robinson" by The Lemonheads during the FBI raid on Stratton Oakmont is a particularly inspired choice.

Critics of The Wolf of Wall Street have accused it of glorifying Belfort, but such an accusation fails to appreciate that the film is satirical. The film's final scene is crucial to understanding its message. Belfort goes unpunished for his crimes. He continues to be idolised. His audience hangs onto his every word. Scorsese observes that this materialistic, get-rich-quick culture is precisely what gives rise to someone like Belfort.
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