Exit Wounds (2001)
13 February 2020
First off let me say that i was a big Steven Seagal fan growing up, i loved the Action genre & watched everyone like Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Van Damme, Willis, Snipes & of course Seagal. I loved Seagal's 90's tough action Classic's such as Marked For Death, Out For Justice, Hard to Kill, Under Siege 1&2 & The Glimmer Man, but after those great Action Thriller's Seagal started slipping in quality of his movies, not sure exactly what happened but after say "The Glimmer Man" i didn't really like any of his films & i was a big fan that watched his 90's faves over & over on video!!!

Here Seagal seemed to really have fun with this film & he hadn't been this much fun before or since. A big film for me in the early 2000's & truly the last great film from Seagal. I did enjoy the cheesy "Half Past Dead" that Seagal made after this one. I so remember the early 2000's as if it were yesterday, it was so different then & better. Exit Wounds was one of the best Action films of the early 2000's in my opinion & i loved how Seagal was like a modern Serpico in the film. I have a connection to Exit Wounds because i grew up watching Seagal on video like we all did, i loved his titles like Marked for Death & Out for Justice & The Glimmer Man (to name a few) Seagal was a major part of my movie-loving-world as a teenager. So i grew up loving the action genre & Seagal was one of my first introductions to it (yes Schwarzenegger, Van Damme & Stallone also) but Seagal's films were so exciting. As the digital computer controlled world came big in the early 2000's Seagal was an ageing Action star of old school action cinema & there for he was an old school action hero dropped into a new digital age & that fitted into his role here perfectly. Exit Wounds was the first Action film i ever saw at the cinema so i have a fondness for it & a big dose of Nostalgia.

Tom Arnold says to Seagal "Welcome to the computer age" so it's clear thsat old school action meets new age special fx & with a bumping rap soundtrack & very slick cinematography are all ingredients that make this flick so enjoyable, it's urban cool.

No over-the-top CGI just old school kick-ass action & bullets flying set pieces. In fact this was the perfect comeback vehicle for Seagal to enter a new era as it was a decent budget slick-looking action cop thriller & it was a decent box office movie. I put Exit Wounds up there with his earlier Classic's like Marked For Death & Out For Justice.

Seagal was lost to me until out came, his comeback movie "Exit Wounds" & it was a chance to finally see a "Seagal" film at the cinema & that was a big deal for me, as i grew up watching his violent (18) rated films on video & here was a chance to see a Seagal action movie as i had reached the age, i could actually see him on the big screen & i was so excited.

It turns out too that his "Exit Wounds" was Awesome in my opinion, i loved it as i got to see an older rugged Seagal that was still in decent shape starring as a tough no-nonsense Cop in an Action-packed Cop Thriller, it was exactly what i wanted!!!

I loved Cop films growing up & Seagal always played one hell of a tough Cop & here in the underrated "Exit Wounds" he plays Maverick Detroit Cop "Orin Boyd" who is demoted to a tough inner-city precinct because of his Take no-prisoners approach to his police work, IT'S a perfect part for Seagal who is moody & angry but often put in funny situations. I loved Seagal's performance here as it felt so suited to his style & approach of an action hero character, he doesn't listen to his superiors & he does things his way & often comes off funny & with some charisma!!!

Seagal uncovers corruption & crooked Cops at this new precinct & gets into all sorts of scraps & shootouts in typical action fashion, this is an Action Thriller & it does exactly what an action Thriller should do with explosions & lots of bullets fired & cool fighting scenes, with a bunch of funny characters like Anthony Anderson & Tom Arnold who supply the funny moments amongst the Action.

Also Rapper turned action star DMX is good here & also the always solid Isaiah Washington (Ghost Ship) has a good role & another cult action star Michael Jai White (Spawn) is great here too & we get intense veteran actor Bill Duke (Predator,Commando) in a solid role, so the cast is excellent.

I like the Corruption angle within the police force & i like the fact Seagal goes against the system like a rebel, there's still a darkness to it in a way with all the drugs business & corrupt Cops but it's definitely a fun piece of action entertainment.

This was the last big film of Seagal's to make it to the Cinema & although it wasn't a big hit or loved by critics, well to me it delivered on exactly what it was...An Action Cop Thriller. It's a slick looking film with some good music throughout & a more light-hearted feel at times as well as getting dark & brutal when needed. It was mandatory for those times to include a popular rapper in action films so here we get DMX (R. I. P) who is decent & adds to the hip cool soundtrack also pure early 2000's Hip Hop.

I have always enjoyed it & consider it one of Seagal's best films, it may not be an outstanding "CLASSIC" but it's a damn good fun piece of action entertainment & that's what's missing in today's over the top mega budget Cinema.

Now, just because Seagal has become a B-movie action star doesn't mean all his DTV films are bad!!! He's actually made some decent action Thriller flicks like, Belly of the Beast,Out for a Kill,Submerged, Driven To Kill,Pistol Whipped,A Dangerous Man,The Keeper & Urban Justice (aka Renegade Justice) so he's still enjoyable to watch just in smaller scale films. Also Seagal's Half Past Dead is a fun flick too.

But i do miss his tough rugged charisma & wise cracks, the likes of what's on display here in "Exit Wounds" i think this movie shows his most natural & human side to his character out of all his films & he's genuinely just alot of fun on screen. I love this flick.
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