Thunder, Thunder, ThunderCRAP NOOO!!
6 February 2020
When it comes to shows, I try to be fair.

I give every show a shot and every show has one chance to prove to me that it is worth my time. I learned the hard way that behind an animation I don't like there might be something great (looking at TMNT 2012, which became my favorite incarnation of TMNT).

When Thundercats Roar got announced, I didn't participate in the (in retrospective) justified internet rage and instead decided to give the show a chance.

I've grown up with 1980s Thundercats and TMNT 1980s and despite my nostalgia, I am well aware that these shows have their flaws, their awesome episodes and their trashy episodes. I've watched the TMNT 2003 and Thundercats 2011 reboots and enjoyed them for what they are.

I've watched the first two episodes of Thundercats Roar and I'm asking myself: Who exactly is this made for? It has the premise of the 1980s series but nothing of the storytelling or amusing corniness that made this show what it is. This show feels like it was made for people with ADHD.

I will not get into the art style (like how they keep getting off model and believe me, I could waste hours on the design alone) but I'll say something about the animation: IF FAN-MADE ANIMATIONS YOU CAN WATCH ON THE WEB FOR FREE HAVE BETTER FIGHT SCENES THAN YOUR CORPERATE-SANCTIONED SHOW, YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO RETHINK YOUR LIFE!!


Please spend the twenty minutes you could spend watching TC Roar on something better. Like Super Mario Bros. Z. Or Glitchtale. Or TIE Fighter.
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