The Christmas Secret (2014 TV Movie)
The charming secret
5 February 2020
Have always absolutely adored Christmas and great/classic festive films are many. The quality of Hallmark's festive films do vary, have implied that in other reviews of some of the films seen as part of my Hallmark/Lifetime etc. festive films quest. Some surprised me, being genuinely likeable and an easy watch without being cheesy or too sentimental regardless of how predictable they are. Others made me cringe, went too far on the sugar, lacked any surprises or anything even and were of bad quality.

Fortunately, 'The Christmas Secret' is in the former category. As far as Hallmark Christmas films go, it's up there with the best of them. And no it is not because it is one of the higher rated ones here. Perfect it isn't. Classic it is not. Yet somehow 'The Christmas Secret' managed to be a nice watch and passes the time more than adequately, it is predictable sure but the charm and likeability factors are high and the traps that other Christmas films fall into aren't here. Or at least not as badly.

'The Christmas Secret' as said isn't perfect. If you have seen any other Hallmark Christmas films, predictability is to be expected as story-wise there doesn't tend to be an awful lot of variation. This is no exception, with a lot of what goes happen very much foreseeable well in advance, the closest it gets at trying to do anything different is having a reveal that is still not that much of a surprise and is quite silly.

Some parts are corny and Jaeda Lily Miller is somewhat too cloying and at times annoying as Hayley.

On the other hand, 'The Christmas Secret' does have a good deal that is done right. The locations are very pretty to look at and complemented very nicely by the photography that is not flat or over-saturated. The soundtrack captures the festive spirit in an affectionate way without intruding too much and the film is directed in a competent manner (not exceptional but with nothing done disastrously).

Although there are corny moments, mostly the script flows well and doesn't come over as awkward. The story is very charming, is never dull, is the very meaning of feel good and avoids the traps of being too sentimental or too schmaltzy. Found it very heart-warming actually. The characters mostly have enough to them to allow one to root for them and other than Miller the actors do a good job. Bethany Joy Lenz carries the film with aplomb.

In summary, worth watching. 7/10
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