Blind Chance (1987)
Boring film on intriguing concept
2 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Blind Chance" is one of those films which play better on paper, or inside your mind after you've seen it, than while you're seeing it. Krzysztof Kieslowski's alternate-realities concept is intriguing (I'm a big fan of it, actually), but while it precedes the more famous "Run, Lola, Run" by more than a decade, there have been earlier films with similar ideas (try to find and watch a little-known gem from 1934 called "Dangerous Corner"). The film itself is sometimes confusing, and most of the time undramatic; the protagonist, although presented as God's gift to women in each and every scenario, is not all that engaging. The you-can't-escape-your-fate gag / shock ending is worth waiting for. ** out of 4.
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