The idea was so promising....
1 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
But the delivery was so bad. Seeing the trailer of the show and the idea I was so excited to watch this show but after episode 3 I found my excitement diving off a cliff and smashing into the sharp and jagged rocks that are typical tropes and familiar formulas that are found in edgy teenage drama shows.

Firstly, dialogue is horrible. You've got two twin teenagers who are smart enough to learn Japanese from 80s sitcoms but stupid enough to completely leave their parents who are monster killing superheroes and super intelligent individuals to walk right into the arms of some Frankenstein monster mute and a warlock woman who has LITERALLY KILLED SO MANY PEOPLE AND INSANE BUT HEY SHE'S COOL AND HER EYES GLOW RED SO WHY NOT?!?!? SERIOUSLY?!?!

And then you've got the secret agency government. Clearly corrupt and hiding stuff and not what they seem but this family hangs onto them for dear life despite claiming to want nothing to do with them and being "retired" but EVERY. SINGLE. ACTION. The parents do they are running to this agency and getting help in some way. So bad!!!

I am writing this after finishing episode 7 because I don't think I can continue to watch this horrible show. The characters and plot is such a jumbled mess you feel like you're strapped to a chair while someone is throwing overcooked spaghetti at your face made of predictable results and typical hooks (that wood scene with the friend/sherriff? Come on!) That you're finding yourself face palming and cringing at every syllable uttered by every single character (oh? Theres a monster super secret task force all of a sudden that is unknown by the super secret monster killing task force? Are you kidding me?!?!).

It's just all bad. So bad. Watch Supernatural or Vampire Diaries. Anything but this horrible show of a typical angsty teenage drama cringe fest that tries to use diversity as a tactic to make you open your wallet and pay for a subscription.
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