Review of Starfish

Starfish (2018)
Starfish (2019) - 6.5
12 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Act 1 - 5.5

Act 2 - 6.6

Act 3 - 7.5

A film about the grieving process masked as a post apocalyptic sci-fi movie

Aubrey also has to learn to forgive herself and move past her own wrong doings

Film is very metaphorical and uses that to its advantage

Films biggest problem is hooking you on a ridiculous idea to start and suffers for that but once you hit the second act the film opens up and and start to understand it more and get what the director is trying to show us

Needing is quite beautiful and comes to a nice conclusion of letting go

Score and soundtrack are really good

Virginia Gardner is good in her role as the grieving Aubrey, see her go through the process of letting herself be free

A very indie style film that works for the story they are telling

A film I would recommend to small indie fans who want a strong message in a solid film once it finds its way through the first act

Aubrey lost her best friend Grace

In mourning she goes and stays at Grace's apartment

Keep getting flashbacks to the beach and a shots of a man

In the morning power is out and smoke in the distance

Buildings are destroyed and nobody in sight in the the town

Aubrey sees a large black alien looking creature that come after her

Someone gives her directions on the walkie talkie, knew Grace, helps her get away from the creature with a signal

This guy seems to already know everything that is going on and it's been hours, dumb

Apparently Grace found something and knew about all of this

Transmissions brought on natural disasters, Grace discovered this for some reason, ridiculous

People are after these transmissions, Grace hid the tapes for safety as they are more powerful together

Signals open doorways that the creatures came through

The man on the radio wants Aubreys help to stop it

Really creepy scene with creature on top of her in a possible nightmare

Aubrey listens to Grace's mixtapes that she left around the house for her, hoping she can help save the world and find the 7th signal

Also helps Aubrey hear her friend again and cope with her loss

Aubrey decides to go find the rest of the tapes that Grace his in their favorite spots around town

Soundtrack is really good and fits Aubreys vibe

Score is solid too in the intimate scenes

CGI isn't the best in its limited use as it's a very low budget film

Animated segment of film is interesting and works really well and looks cool

Aubrey gets to reminisce in each of their favorite places but is always disturbed in her rest by one thing or another

Aubrey gets to have a conversation with Grace, in her head, really good scene about her mindset and gives us some answers

Starfish in the tank at Graces and a production slate wit Starfish on it

Finally revealed that the man without a face probably killed himself after Aubrey cheated on him with a guy at the beach, this is what she has to find forgiveness for

The monsters are the metaphorical personal demons she must overcome

Aubrey gets all of the signals and brings them to the radio station where the 7th is and plays the mixtape that will save the world

Gets contact with someone on the radio and tells them what she did trying to save the world and notice letters of the tape spell forgive and forget

Man tells Aubrey that she opened all of the doors and didn't actually close them and walks away

Aubrey walks to a giant orb she helped create, she let them in

Aubrey walks into this orb and just fella the situation, feels she can finally let go of what she has done and forgive herself, see her relationship with the man

Beautiful scene with great score in this moment of freedom of pain and loss

Ending is very strong

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