Body Double (1984)
One of the most absurd films by "a classic director" I have seen
11 January 2020
Body Double is ridiculous. One of the more ridiculous movies I have seen, maybe ever. Everything about it is completely over the top - while this is probably why a lot of people love this movie, for me it mostly had the opposite effect.

First, let me talk about what mostly weighs it down. The lead character is pretty much unbearable. He has very little personality aside from an overblown and unrealistic claustrophobia problem, though he does end up unsheathing some major things it's still painful to watch the journey because he is an awkward, despicable creep the whole way getting there. I disliked him more and more with each shot. While the story seems to be written to be purely entertaining and not realistic (AT ALL), it just doesn't work for me in this case. There are too many cases in nearly EVERY scene where I found myself getting frustrated, saying aloud "That would not happen!", "That is not how that works!", "Why would anyone ever do that?!" constantly, over and over, more than I have done with the majority of movies in my life. The entire thing feels like a "complex" plot that someone planned out a week or two before shooting, and didn't give it any time to marinate and tweak anything to make it feel more organic. But, hey, if you just want an over-the-top B-movie sort of experience, this might tickle you the right way.

One thing that is starting to win points with me after letting this film sit in my mind overnight is that due to it's extremely unrealistic unfolding of events, it does give the film a sort of dream-like or nightmarish sort of quality in your memory, which is always something that I value. Other strong elements are the fantastically eerie and intense music score by the legendary Pino Donaggio, Melanie Griffith at her sexiest and most scant possible, and a few sequences that you won't forget due to some really effective and very Hitchcock-ian cinematography.

Overall, this film really does stand out, but I could never call it a GOOD film. If you just want to see something that is absolutely over the top, functions under it's own set of rules, and is a bit of an anomaly in movie history, especially as something that was created by someone who is considered "a legendary film director", then you'll want to see this at least once. Generally I'm sucker for rule-breaking, absurdist films but this one just hit wrong in too many different ways, which I could not ignore.
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