Ghost Stories (2020)
A Good Series - 6/10
9 January 2020
This is going to be an unpopular opinion amongst my fellow countrymen and women, but this is an excellent set of short stories. I've a theory that over the last couple of years, Indian cinema particularly Bollywood and Tollywood is undergoing an unfortunate string of bad movies and has skewed the expectations of the audience. I'm confident that in the coming years, this is going to change, and these short stories are the step in the right direction.

Another theory of mine is that this film will help the audience move away from the idea that horror movies need to "scary" to be called one. Midsomer, Vitch, Dr. Sleep, and even Stanley's The Shining are some of the films that don't use jump scares, but IMHO, some of the best Horror films that started a new genre of movies. I'm not comparing these short stories to the above masterpieces, but merely pointing out horror movies doesn't have to be scary to be successful.

With all of that said, these short stories are great. If you are watching these expecting jump-scares, stay away -- this movie is not for you. If you on the other-hand like slow churn horror movies and shows, which are open to interpretation, and *very* unsettling scenes, the short stories are great!

The first short story is good, straight-forward and NOT open to interpretation. The ending is good, tho. Cinematography and the atmosphere are not very well built. But I think the climax makes it a worth one time watch. (3/5)

The third story is best of all. Fantastic cinematography, great atmosphere, and very unsettling -- also open to interpretation. (4/5)

The fourth story is OK -- there is nothing that stands out not that it's as bad as the rating makes it to be. The interpretation felt more like a statement on society than anything else. (2.5/5)

The only problem I've is with the second story. Colors are great, Anurag decided to shot it in greys, making it look like a noir, which is a strange choice since it's anything but. Anurag does a great job of making the story very claustrophobic and the use of colors makes it more intense, but I hated the excessive use of gore when it wasn't necessary. Without the gore scene, especially the goriest one, I'd still think the story wouldn't have lost any of its meaning or the feel it was trying to elicit. (3/5)

That makes my rating a 6.25/10.
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