Frozen II (2019)
Not Worth The Six-Year Wait
2 December 2019
Disney's Frozen was truly a delightful surprise. It was an extravagant celebration of the studios' own legacy and its musical traditions from across the eras but no one expected it to be the phenomenon that it became & it left a cultural impact that was undeniably unforeseen. Six years later, Frozen II surfaces with hopes of repeating the same feat yet nearly everything about it is inferior to the original.

A visually breathtaking yet narratively hollow sequel that lacks the freshness of the first film and is a step down in storytelling quality too, Frozen II does have a few things working in its favour but it is not the follow-up chapter that's able to validate its existence. The film is a passable effort at best that manages to mask its shortcomings with spellbinding animation but the effect doesn't last for long this time around.

Unlike its predecessor, a lot of its musical numbers end up affecting the narrative flow and aren't that catchy either. Anna & Elsa's arc remains captivating, plus the sisterhood bond is strong as ever but the other characters, both new & returning, are a letdown. Even the humour goes downhill, diving into silliness at times, and the only aspect that keeps its afloat is the photorealistic animation that provides the film its mesmerising beauty.

Devoid of the enchanting flavour & invigorating aura that made Frozen a classic for the new generation, Frozen II does steer into darker territory as it should and even had an interesting premise about mending the cracks left by forefathers in addition to Elsa's search for her origins but it fails to balance it all in a fascinating fashion and doesn't dig enough to strike a heartfelt chord. A rather safe attempt if anything, Walt Disney Animation's latest isn't worth the 6-year wait.
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