The Aeronauts (2019)
I Enjoyed It
21 November 2019
I just got out of Aeronauts

I was having some lunch with my son, when we decided to go see a movie, I'd not even heard of this movie, let alone seen a trailer (I seemed to miss this thread) or read any reviews, so I went in 100% cold, except knowing it starred Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones.

I'll just say this, if I had watched the trailer, I would have not have gone. As I spent the majority of my time, gripping the arm of my chair, or shaking with vertigo!! Ever since I suffered a brain injury a few years ago, I'm awful with heights.

I was surprised to see it was made by Amazon Studios. I have to say this is the kind of adventure tale that isn't made well that often anymore. When it focuses on its main plot, it's an effective movie of two people who did the impossible, when it shows flashbacks, it gets a little flat.

I have a bit of a soft spot for Redmayne, I find him really likeable and I enjoyed Jones in Rogue One and The Theory Of Everything, they do have good chemistry, even though there is no romantic relationship, here. Himish Patel (Yesterday) was solid supporting too.

With great cinematography and a truly engaging performance from its female lead, this one surprised me, and if you have a chance to see it in theaters before its eventual Amazon release, you should take it.
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