Avatar (2009)
" FI ( LM ) NOMENAL " 💎 💎❗❗❗
22 September 2019
A { - M I C R O - } REVIEW .

I just { R E }-watched this film on DVD ...{ YES, believe it or not, some of us STILL like to do that ⭐❗}.. at home with my family the other night. I'm pretty darn sure that I'd watched it ATLEAST twice ( if not an outright THREE times ) ...just AS SOON AS it was released a whole D E C A D E ⭐ ago....... WAY, WAY, WAY back in December 2009 .

I am ENTIRELY-aware that I'll be { TRULY :P } lucky if EVEN FIVE PEOPLE read this review, given the aforementioned, above fact. { THE REASON ⭐ } ..I'M writing this review is to get, ( say ), THREE of the "5 of you" who M A Y JUST ~ ( & this is ENTIRELY possible ) ~ N O T have seen it... Y E T . . to watch it . { YES , S T I L L❗} .... it is truly a " TIMELESS " . . . . M A S T E R P I E C E 🌠 .

If you come to the film with an OPEN HEART & AN OPEN MIND, then I can unequivocally promise.... this "truly LAVISH" visual & metaphysical extravaganza will well & truly set your SOUL ON FIRE 🔥 🔥 { in the Good Sense, of course }. If you thought that the CGI & SPFX of " T I T A N I C ❤ " were just.. { - W - A - Y - } Ahead of their time, for circa 1997 ; then Trust Me . . . . . THIS TOPS EVEN { - T - H - A - T ⭐ - } VERITABLE CINEMATIC "COLOSSUS", believe -it-or-DON'T .

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