Introduction of a "Wasted Potential"
24 August 2019
This anime had great potential which can be seen in the first episode, it really stirs the pot of interest. The second episode can be seen as a filler... SECOND EPISODE.

Anywho, the pace of the anime is very slow. Story develops so fast that you can predict that there will be at least 20 seasons of the series. Also the story loops over and over around the same sub-subject and gives zero background story (I mean speaking of the "isekai" genre, the question of the origins comes like 2-3 times and is never answered about anything.

If this anime was a movie, then I'd fully understand it, because it seems just like one big episode which was enlarged. Also the art quality is (at least not the main area/background) is very sketchy, I mean sure it's an art style, but it feels very unfinished/cheap and the dialogues were very poor. Almost no overall character development except for the protagonist. This anime seems to be very on a tight budget, that's how it feels. Also pro-longed, like those youtube videos who were made to be 10min length so they would get ads xD.

Though the great news about this is if you are into very chill and atmospheric anime then this would be a good go. I watched it whole in one day and I even got annoyed by the same theme in dialogues being overused, like the developers were really forcing for somebody to get sad over the same being talked over and over. If it was written by one person then I'd say it was somebody who was trying to get over somebody and didn't know how to let them go so they were focusing on it so much that they let it out on paper and then holding onto it made it into the fking series. GAD, GET OVER IT!
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