The TV equivalent of flat champagne?
25 April 2019
It looked so promising. Richard Gere. Helen McCrory. Sinead Cusack. A tale of corruption and media skullduggery, with echoes of Murdoch phone-hacking and a political apocalypse not too far removed from Brexit. And the first two episodes delivered enough intrigue to justify the positive tone of the more glowing reviews here, if not the unequivocal 10-star scores. But by the half-way mark it was all looking increasingly strained and underwhelming, even rather hum-drum. The plot and the characters started going around in circles. The intrigue gave way to increasingly empty confrontations. And the tone became more self-important and pretentious as the plot became more cliched and threadbare. I made it to the final episode, but what a dull damp squib it was - a mangled mish-mash of political foreboding and romantic happy endings that neither paid off on the political-thriller elements, not satisfied on the level of pure soap opera. Ho-bloody-hum.
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