Camera Obscura (I) (2017)
A film well worth digging deeper into...
14 March 2019
Utterly love this movie. Takes many viewings to work out what is really going on; it's not a film to take at face value on first watch.

It's a puzzle and shouldn't be viewed as a straightforward film about a camera that predicts deaths. It's more about the lead character's mental health and how his mind is potentially obscuring a situation.

It also has some wonderfully subtle clues sprinkled throughout as to what might be going on... Take a look in the background in the swimming pool scenes, check out the website the lead character is browsing in the library and look at the dates on the photographs that are seemingly antagonising him.

It's great to have a film that doesn't spoonfeed its audience and invites repeated viewings in order to absorb all it has to offer.

Oh, and it's got great gore, darkly humorous scenes in places and great acting all around (regardless of what some reviewers here have said), particularly from the lead. Christopher Denham is a great actor.

It's a shame that this movie seems to have gone under the radar, it deserves a far wider audience.
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