The Call Up (2016)
Skilled Video Gamers Answer The Call...
10 January 2019
A group of skilled video gamers are invited to try and test a new virtual reality video game. The prize? $100,000. Sounds easy and fun right? Well, things take a turn for worse when these players discover they will be fighting for their real lives.

This isn't just any video game.

The Call Up has a great idea for a film and... that's it. With the world of Video games getting bigger every day, including new VR technology on PS4, it wouldn't surprise me if one day we get to walk in a room, all wear helmets, run around and shoot each other.

But sadly as a film, we are viewing a hot mess. The title "The Call Up" makes no sense to me and doesn't relate to the film at all. Our characters are found in a room at the start of the film and that's all the development and emotions we are provided with. But that's ok, because with even little information to the audience, we can work out who is going to betray others in the team, who is going to win and the list goes on. The film carries one twist but it just doesn't make sense and doesn't add up.

The film's low budget also shows. I can be happy with poor effects and a low budget in a film. When the film has actors shoot at nothing and we are to assume they just shot someone down more than once, to me it can feel very empty and hollow. The film's soundtrack is also a disappointment. Consider it a down graded of Tron the soundtrack. A film which is set up in the present day, has a whole futuristic tone and it just doesn't work. The music also never stops or rests and tries way too hard to be present in every scene.

The Call Up does have a creative story that we would all love to see in a motion film. This type of film should be fun, fresh and suspenseful, but sadly it's anything but.

1.9/10 Walkden Entertainment
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