Being Mary Jane (2013–2019)
Show that could have been good --if not for the insufferable main character
27 November 2018
I tried with this show. I wanted a female based drama. I short-lived quit the show twice in season two be use Mary Jane was--and is--insufferable, but gave it another try.

The last straw was in the beginning of season three where someone kills themselves and Mary Jane continues to maintain her self absorbed, victim lifestyle with zero charicter growth within three seasons.

I couldn't take it anymore! I was hoping for change, not wanting to be a miserable woman like her mother. Not blaming her failed romances on the men in her life but seeing her own role in that failure, being a better friend, seeing her own alcoholism instead of projecting on her siblings for their issues, I don't know. Something, anything that was likeable about her, but unfortunately there is nothing. When she only thought of herself after a suicide I couldn't take anymore, especially when the show would have been better if she was the character who killed themselves off.
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