The Ring Cycle
3 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Semigallia is a historical region in the area of modern Latvia and Lithuania. The so-called Ring of Namejs is a symbol of Latvian independence, friendship, honesty, bravery, and personal freedom. "The Pagan King" (Nameja gredzens) draws upon the legend of the ring for a violent action film, yet fails to closely place the story in its historical context.

The era depicted is linked to the high point of the order of the Teutonic Knights, a group of warrior-monks that began in the Crusades in the Middle East and eventually settled in northern Europe in the Baltic region in which the film is set in the thirteenth century. But no attempt is made to depict how the Catholic knights were fighting for Latin Christendom at a time when Eastern Orthodoxy was infusing Eastern Europe. Rather, the focus is on Max, the illegitimate son of a pope, who wishes to conquer a pagan culture in Semigallia for reasons of personal greed and power.

Standing in the way of Max is the hero Namejs and his beloved queen Lauga. Along with a brave band of Semigallian warriors, they stand up to Max in the name of freedom and for the preservation of their homeland.

Early in the film, Namejs recognizes the strange conduct of the papal ambassador Max, who is making illogical alliances with the local pagans and does not seem interested in missionary work of spreading Christianity. The story turns into a melodramatic action film of good (the Semigallians) versus evil (the nefarious Max).

The film was handsomely photographed with great scenery of the forests, lakes, and swamps of Northern Europe. But this was primarily an action picture with a series of violent battle sequences. There was an effort to develop the mythical significance of the ring which invests not only power, but freedom and the responsibility of the individual, for discovering one's own path in life. While energetically and enthusiastically performed by a competent acting company, the film never rose above the level of a gritty, medieval action flic.
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