Horns (2013)
Should be more than enough to spike your interest, even if it's flawed.
2 November 2018
'Horns (2013)' is more a mystery than anything else and there thankfully is a nice, self-contained little story at the heart of the piece, one that doesn't really focus on the eponymous horns so much as use their abilities to see the story through to its end (in terms of both theme and plot). The eventual, albeit disappointing, reveal isn't necessarily obvious, either, as the film spends a lot of time successfully muddying the waters when it comes to whether or not our 'hero' might actually deserve the spiky things growing from his skull. While it's usually entertaining and not afraid to also be properly dark, the flick does have its fair share of quite severe tonal issues and a third act that doesn't really live up to what it could've been - bolstered by that disappointing reveal I mentioned earlier. This ultimately makes for an experience that's enjoyable but flawed, sometimes frustratingly so. 6/10
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