Killer Kate! (2018)
This movie had promase. Then I watched it.
26 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I just watched a good three fourths of the movie "Killer Kate". At the first half of the movie, I was planning on writing something half nice about it. "This movie is not the worst movie ever, but its not the best." Then I watched part of the second half and, if I am being completely honest, I could not finish it. It really is that bad. If this were a parody of a horror movie, I would give it credit. But its not. Its classed as horror/thriller.

Want to know HOW bad? I will put it this way. At one point the writers seem to completely forget that they killed off a character. They poison the character, have us watch as she dies, and show her running from and interacting with one of the killers two scenes later. That is far from the worst part, but its a fine example as the rest of the movie makes mistake after mistake just like it. This might have been more fun with Weed, but I sort of doubt it. It gets 3 out of 10 from me. Feel free to watch it, but don't pay to do so. You will hate yourself later if you do.
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