Disappointing, not scary enough and too many plot-holes.
26 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A young victim of bullying is getting "help" from a ghost-girl who once was a bully-victim herself, but he soon finds out that this "help" consists of relentlessly killing all the bullies. This premise was promising enough, but the movie still failed, lacking a coherent story. It was as if whole segments of the story were left on the cutting-table, making the left-over movie turn into a Swiss cheese.

At the start of the movie we see Lincoln being bullied at home by some big guy. Who is that, his father, stepfather, big brother? Next scene we see Lincoln attack some bully at school, supposedly after a long history of being bullied, but we never see or hear anything about that history. Next scene: Lincoln has joined some sort of boarding school for juvenile delinquents. Why, what happened, was he convicted, and if so, for what? Again no explanation. Out of the blue the ghost of some girl Moira starts a supernatural killing-spree, apparently (at least at the start) on behalf of Lincoln. But who this Moira is or was is only disclosed almost an hour later, with the tiniest of information. And what on earth are all these dark secrets that the board of this institution harbours? Here again only vague hints, no clear explanation.

It goes on and on like this and that's pretty frustrating if you are trying to involve yourself in the story. It doesn't help that the acting is at best mediocre, and that there are many illogical things, like the Moira-character not only killing the bullies and the school's directors but also nice and innocent persons like Lincolns friend. Why would she do that?!

What's left is an incoherent story with many plot-holes and too little scares. Sure, with blood flowing abundantly, but that alone doesn't make for a decent horror movie.
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