Review of Mandy

Mandy (I) (2018)
A Good Artist May Take Drugs, but Taking Drugs Doesn't Automatically Make You A Good Filmmaker
15 September 2018
This film is just..awful. There's actually a mention about a bad batch of LSD, which obviously the whole crew must have taken...Bad photography, full of kitsch colour filters, to try to render the effects of (bad) drugs, awful dialogs which anyone in their right mind would laugh at, 2 hours of a really boring bad trip... Want something visually stunning, without having to take drugs? Blueberry, by Jan Kounen. Want something a bit more mind-challenging? Altered States, by Ken Russel Want something a bit more fun and gore? Shrooms, by Paddy Breathnach, or Crank, by Mark Neveldine. The point is: this film fails completely, as a thriller, horror, or crime movie. Even back in the 80's, there were already much better films around. The producers must have taken too much bad coke to believe in this project. And speaking of drugs, since the 90's at least, there's MDMA and other empathogens: obviously, this crew missed out on that...Never at one moment during the film do you feel the slightest kind of empathy or sympathy whatsoever for any of the characters...So is it just supposed to be some kind of revenge movie? Even there, you'll find plenty of better movies than this one... So, my advice: smoke a good joint, or not, but watch something else! There's really nothing new here despite the hype...!
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